Since Big Brother Naija started life has not been the same for a lot of Nigerians. For some people, the show is bringing more spice, and for others, the show is just bringing more headaches.
Here’s a list of 3 precious things the show has been taking from you with and without your permission.
1. Your Precious Time
All the time you spend watching these people eat, sleep, gossip, and quarrel you could have repurposed to writing a book or finishing that online course you enrolled for.
2.Your online reputation as a mature adult.
Which you lost when spent 30 minutes exchanging insults with people for saying wrong things about your fav.
3.The friends you have blocked and the friends you will still block in defense of your favorite housemate.
And who knows? Those friends may be the ones that actually come through for you when you need the routine urgent 2k and 5k’s.
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