Most people make use of lists at various times to help them accomplish the things they want to do. Who goes to the market to shop without a list. Perhaps those of us who enjoy the benefits of a photographic memory don’t need to concern themselves with such things, but the vast majority of us were not blessed with that gift.
A shopping list is a good example of how we all might organize our entire lives better. Setting clear goals and working towards them is the way many successful people succeed. Here are some tips that organized people use to keep their life on track.
Little things can very easily distract you and cause you to waste valuable time. It can be hard to master, but prioritizing all the things you need to do and strictly abiding by those priorities can make you much more productive, and help you stay focused on the things that are most important.
The evening is a great time to plan out the next day’s activities. It’s not necessary to plan out every minute of every day, since you’ll probably end up spending so much time planning that you won’t have time to work on the things you want to accomplish! Even of your days are usually pretty routine, sometimes other tasks will work themselves into your day, and it’s always better to plan for them in advance if you can.
This is so important. We all get into those situations when we are really focused on a particular task and don’t want to interrupt our workflow to take a break. It might be good to remind yourself during these times that a quick break to unwind a bit, clear your head, and even walk around a bit or do some light exercise will benefit both your productivity and your health in the long run. None of us were intended to spend hours on end sitting in front of a computer, so be sure to make time in your schedule for those beneficial breaks.
During the course of the work day it’s quite likely that your workspace will get a bit cluttered and disorganized. At the end of the day, take a few minutes to straighten things up and put things back where they belong. A clean work environment makes starting the next day a bit more pleasant, and will probably boost your productivity a bit by avoiding wasted time looking for misplaced items.
The word sleep and the notion of productivity are probably not associated too closely in many people’s minds, but a good night’s sleep is critical to staying focused and having enough energy to make it through the day. Lack of sleep affects your physical and mental abilities in more ways than there is space to list here. Be smart and make sure you get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep every night.
We all know that taking action is the best way to accomplish your goals, and even though analysis is often necessary before or during a project, don’t make the mistake of getting caught up in “paralysis though analysis.” For some of us, it’s incredibly easy to spend way too much time analyzing and planning and way too little time actually executing. Like every other aspect of our day, we have to manage the time we spend analyzing and researching.
At times we really have to remind others that we actually have work to do during the course of a day. It could be a chatty co-worker on the job or even a family member if you work at home. Laying down basic ground rules to minimize interruptions can prevent distractions that use too much of your time. It could be as simple as establishing rules like telling family members that when your home office door is closed, you are working, and would rather not be disturbed except for matters that are urgent in nature.