The National Identification Number (NIN) is a set of numbers assigned to an individual upon successful enrolment. Enrolment consists of the recording of an individual’s demographic data and capture of the ten (10) fingerprints, head-to-shoulder facial picture and digital signature, which are all used to cross-check existing data in the National Identity Database to confirm that there is no previous entry of the same data.
Eligibility For National Identification Number
It is mandatory for every citizen and legal resident to enrol for the National Identification Number (NIN). The process is the same whether you choose the self-service or you require an assisted service.
How to Enrol For National Identification Number
This is the enrolment of every Nigerian and Legal Resident from the age of 16 years and above.
Those below the age of 16 years have to be enrolled as minors. Read more about Enrolling Minors
Supporting Documents
Walk into the nearest NIMC Enrolment Centre with your BVN if you have one and any of the following required Original and Valid supporting documents:
- Old National ID Card
- Driver’s License
- Voter’s card (Temporary or Permanent)
- Nigerian International passport
- Certificate of Origin
- Attestation letter from a prominent ruler in your community
- Birth certificate
- Declaration of age
- Attestation letter from religious/traditional leader
- NHIS ID card
- Government staff ID card
- Registered/recognized private organization staff ID card
- School ID Card (private/public)
- Tax Clearance certificate
- Valid immigration documents
Process for capturing applicants of 16 years and above (Adult Enrolment):
- Applicant walks into the enrolment Centre with a supporting document.
- Applicant will be verified to ascertain if he/she has ever enrolled using the NIN verification portal.
- Applicant will be issued an enrolment form to fill if he/she has not enrolled before. OR the printed Barcode slip will be collected if the applicant had pre-enrolled earlier using the pre-enrolment service.
- Applicant’s forms will be vetted by a NIMC Official to crosscheck the information filled on the form against the supporting document provided and to check for errors/mistake filled on the form. Note: applicants who cannot read nor write should be accompanied by a literate individual who can do the form filling for him/her.
- Applicant’s pre-filled information will be inputted on the NIMC Software by a NIMC enrolment officer or the Barcode slip will be scanned by the NIMC enrolment officer to populate all the required field.
- The enrolment officer will ask the applicant to double check his/her information for errors using the applicant monitor.
- If the applicant is satisfied with his/her demographic information, the biometrics (ten finger prints and facial image) of the applicant will be capture subsequently.
- After completing the enrolment, a Transaction ID Slip will be issued to the applicant as an evidence of the transaction. However, the Transaction slip does not confer the right to National Identification Number. The applicant will be requested to come back for the NIN within 1-5 working days, as it is subjected to availability of network, authentication and verification.
- A National Identification Number (NIN) Slip is issued to the applicants after processing.
- The National e-ID Card will be Issued to applicant within 12months after Issuance of NIN barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Availability: Monday – Friday (8a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Types of Enrolment Processes
Self Service
This is also a “walk in and do it yourself” process of enrolment whereby an applicant walks in to an Enrolment Centre and fills an Enrolment Form (hard copy). The completed form is handed over to the Enrolment Office who in turn captures the biometric data of the applicant and process the data in the completed Enrolment Form.
Assisted Service
This is a “walk in and get assistance from a Support Officer” method of enrolment. This method involves the same steps as the Self Service one above, but in this case the applicant cannot fill the Enrolment Form on his/her own and walks in to the Enrolment Centre to be assisted by a Support Officer whose responsibility it is to guide the applicant in correctly filling the Enrolment Form with the required information.
Mobile Service
The Mobile-Service process involves an applicant enrolling for the NIN by going to any of the Mobile Enrolment Stations available in his/her neighbourhood at any point in time. For this method of enrolment, the applicant may request for an Enrolment Form and personally complete it or request for assistance from the Support Officer. This method is valid and complete after the biometric data of the applicant is captured and the data in the filled Enrolment Form processed by the Enrolment Officer at the station.
Collection of the NIN
- At the completion of the enrolment process, applicant will be issued two (2) slips:
- Transaction Slip
- NIN Slip indicating completion of enrolment.
- Applicants ideally collect their NINs at the enrolment centres where they enrolled, but in certain circumstances they can request the NINs be transferred to other centres of their choice.
- NIN can only be collected by an individual after biometric verification and not by proxy.
Why You Need Your NIN
- obtaining your National e-ID card
- travel (international passport application & acquisition)
- opening personal bank accounts
- getting your driver’s license
- obtaining your Permanent Voters’ Card
- participating in the National Health Insurance Scheme
- payment of your taxes
- transactions related to your contributory pension scheme
- access to welfare and other relevant services from the Nigerian Government
- transactions with social security implications
- land transactions subject to the Land Use Act
- any other transactions NIMC may so prescribe and list in the Federal Government Gazette
NIMC is engaged in harmonization and integration of data with various agencies across Nigeria who deal with the various services above to ensure smooth coordination of activities.