TECNO CBeyond – When was the last time you thought about your passion? Recently? A while ago? Well, today is a good enough time to take a pause and give your passion some serious thought.
I know the world we are in priorities survival, but nothing beats personally prioritizing one’s passion and reaping its dividends.
Take Kaffy for example, before she became the popular celebrity dancer she is now, she had been following an educational path that will make her an Aeronautic Engineer. She, one day, took the decision to pursue her passion for dance instead. Despite huge discouragement from family and friends, she went on to do amazingly well in the male dominated dance industry – becoming one of the topmost dancers in the country.
What about Kelechi Amadi-Obi? After practicing law for years, the seasoned photographer dropped everything and went into photography at a time when photography didn’t mean much in Nigeria. His work in photography and visual art has earned him international renown, featuring in many international exhibitions.
We can also talk about Olorunyomi Omoniyi Makun of Yomi Casual. When it comes to Fashion among Nigerian Men in Nigeria, Yomi Casual is one of the resounding names that take the lead in the Industry. In many ways, Yomi Casual not only succeeds at what he does, but he also has made being a male fashion designer an “acceptable” day job.
Let’s switch into Nollywood and talk about Omoni Oboli. She is the first actress from Nollywood to win Best Actress in two international festivals. After she first started acting, she went on hiatus for 10 years. But then, she came back and took the industry by storm. That couldn’t have been easy, but acting was her passion, so she stuck with it.
DJ Kaywise and Kim Oprah are also Nigerians who have found the limelight from pursuing their passions. Making a name for themselves with huge followings.
I can go on and on about how big of a deal following your passion is. Without a doubt, it pays to follow one’s passion. And thanks to great brands like TECNO, we are being reminded of that golden fact today. In fact, they have an entire campaign targeted at encouraging young Nigerians to pursue their passion, with a chance of being mentored by one of the celebrities I highlighted above.
That campaign is called Cbeyond, and here is how you can participate;
Watch each episode of the guest celebrity posted on any of our social media pages.
If you will like to get a mentorship from him/her, post a picture or do a less than one minute video telling us your passion, what inspires you and why you will like to be mentored.
Each entry/post must be accompanied with #CBeyond as well as #(name of the celebrity). For example; #CBeyond – #TECNOxKelechiAmadiobi or #Cbeyond – #TECNOxKimOprah.
On Facebook, post your entry as a comment under the pinned activity post on our official TECNO Mobile Facebook page, and get your friends to like and vote for you. Ensure you use the correct hashtags.
On Twitter and/or Instagram, post your entry on your page using the hashtag #CBeyond and the hashtag of the Celebrity as explained above.
Will you like to win a 2-day mentorship with any of these top celebrities, a starter toolkit, and a brand new CAMON 16?
Post on your page a picture or a less than one min video of you telling us your passion and how CAMON 16 will make it more fun using #CBeyond pic.twitter.com/Ko3A0suyCp
— TECNO Mobile Nigeria (@TECNOMobileNG) March 4, 2021
Put your best foot forward with your entry, go the extra mile by getting your friends to vote for you. Winners will be selected based on how interesting their entries are and the number of votes they are able to garner.
Winners get a 2-day mentorship with any of the 6 celebrities TECNO brought along on this adventure. What’s more, winners will also get a starter kit and a Camon 16 smartphone as a shiny bow on this box of delightful generosity.
The campaign will run from the 4th of March 2021 to the 20th of April 2021.
Anticipate guys. It is going to be an experience you’ll never forget.
For more details, visit TECNO’s social media pages;
Facebook – www.facebook.com/TECNOMobileNigeria
Twitter & Instagram – @tecnomobileng
TECNO SPOT website bbs.tecno-mobile.com