Avengers: Endgame is set to become the highest-groosing movie ever , but at the time of writing this article, It is still behind 2009’s Avatar.
Like a Supervillan and Superhero locked in a fierce battle for supremacy both movies will continue to fight for the title of Highest Grossest Film Ever but the odds are slighty in favour of Avengers; Endgame and maybe jut may be it may be the winner.
Released in 2009, Avatar as gathered a Global box office of 2.788 billion and a Domestic box office of 760 billion. On the other side, the Domestic box office for Avengers: Endgame is $760 million surpassing that of Avatar but the Global box Office of 2.782 billion. Regardless of the gap, Avengers: Endgame is still airing on cineama worldwide, so it might just be a matter of weeks before this blockbuster movie smash the record.
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