Big Brother Naija, the popular reality show, returns for its seventh season. And, as expected, it will be full of drama and surprises. If you’re a Big Brother Naija fan, one of the best ways to stay in touch with your favorite housemates is to follow them on Instagram.
Also Read: List of Big Brother Naija 2022 Sponsors | BBNaija Sponsors 2022
To keep you safe from fake accounts, naijmobile.com has conducted extensive research to provide you with the official Instagram account of Big Brother Naija “level up” housemates.
Official Instagram Accounts of Big Brother Naija Housemates
Adekunle | adekunleolopade_ |
Allysyn | smoothallysyn |
Amaka | the_real_Amaka |
Beauty | beautytukura |
Bella | Bellaokagbue |
Bryann | bryannonly |
Chomzy | thechomzy |
ChiChi | itschichiofficial |
Christy O | officialchristy_o |
Daniella | Daniellapeters_offical |
Cyph | iam_cyph |
Diana | diana_edobor |
Dotun | dotunoloniyo |
Dee David | officialdoyin_ |
Elo Swag | eloswager |
Groovy | groovymono |
Hermes | hermesiyele |
Gideon | giddy_fa |
Kesiena | officialkess |
Ilebaye | ilebayeofficial |
Kahlid | blckon_khld |
Phyna | Unusualphyna |
Pharmsavi | Pharmsavi |
Sheggz | Sheggzolu |
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