Perhaps you’re getting a bit tired of hearing about how good fiber is for you. After all, it’s often advertised as something you need in your diet to help you ward off a variety of health-related problems, including uncomfortable (both to talk about and experience!) situations like constipation.
Even though you may be a bit worn out from the unending barrage of preaching about the health benefits of this mysterious substance called fiber, might you be more interested if you knew that eating fiber can help you lose weight? Yes indeed, there are more practical benefits to be had by eating fiber than regularity. To take advantage of fiber’s slimming qualities, you may want to focus your efforts on these eight foods that are inexpensive, readily available and loaded with beneficial fiber.
Broccoli is a word that may strike fear in the hearts of many people who recall the struggles they endured during childhood when their parents expected them to eat all of this rather uninspiring vegetable when it appeared on their dinner plate.

Broccoli does not have to be boring, however. It can be worked into tasty salads, coleslaw, casseroles, and stir-fries. You can enjoy the benefits of 3 grams of fiber from a measly half-cup serving of broccoli, so eat up!
It might be a bit of a shock to discover that eating spaghetti could help you lose weight. Even though it might be considered a carbohydrate, it’s one of the “good” ones, and fiber is what makes all the difference.

As the heading suggests, not just any pasta will do. It must be whole grain in order to contain any beneficial amount of healthy fiber. A single cup of whole wheat spaghetti will provide you with 6 grams of fiber.
Admittedly, this one probably takes a bit more work in order to make it palatable for some people since it’s pretty bland on its own.

When you understand the benefits of eating it, however, you probably won’t mind taking a little time figuring out how to make it pleasing to your taste buds. Just 2.5 ounces of fresh avocado provides more than 4 ounces of fat-busting fiber.
This might be considered by some to be one of the most boring foods on the planet. Oatmeal is something that most of us have been familiar with as a breakfast staple since childhood, and it really is pretty bland-tasting unless you dress it up a bit with things like sugar, honey, raisins, berries, nuts or cinnamon.

The right addition to your oatmeal can make a world of difference when it comes to shoveling it down and just 3.5 ounces of oatmeal contains as much as 10 grams of fiber.
Much like broccoli, hearing the words Brussels sprouts may conjure up some unpleasant childhood memories, but for many people whose palettes have matured through the years, Brussels sprouts are considered tasty, or at least tolerable.

And don’t get hung up on the notion that boiling them in water is the only way to prepare them. They can also be sautéed in oil or roasted, and you can add things like Parmesan cheese to really give them some zing. Just seven Brussels sprouts will give you around 4 grams of fiber.

These might be referred to as “lentil beans” by some and are often used in soups, stews, tacos, spreads, and salads. They are inexpensive and are easy to prepare, and just a single cup of lentils contains more than 15 grams of fiber.
You may have heard of chia seeds only from those cheesy commercials that have been on TV for years featuring terracotta “pets” that use sprouted chia seeds as “fur.” Using chia seeds to decorate knickknacks clearly overlooks the health benefits that can be enjoyed by eating them.

Just an ounce of chia seeds contains an incredible 11 grams of fiber and are also packed with essential nutrients like calcium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and antioxidants. Chia seeds do not have a particularly strong flavor and are often used to add a little crunch to things like yogurt, oatmeal, cereal and you can even blend them into smoothies.
This sweet treat is one that nearly everyone can enjoy. It’s amazingly convenient as an on-the-go snack due to its portability and long shelf life.

In addition to being high in fiber, it also boasts a number of other health-promoting benefits including vitamin A, vitamins B1 and B2, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamins C, E, and K. One small apple provides over 3-and-a-half grams of fiber. There was a good reason someone came up with the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”