Registrations for the Joint Admission and Matriculations Board’s 2022/23 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and Direct Entry (DE) begin on Saturday, February 19th and expire on March 26th, 2022.
The details and methods for candidates to easily register are listed below.
Registration Timeframe
The registration period for all (UTME/DE) applicants, including those from other countries, begins on Saturday, February 19, 2022. On Saturday, March 26th, 2022, PIN vending will come to an end.
Cost of Cashless Registration
To prevent extortion, the Board has decided to make the UTME and DE registration processes cashless going forward.
From the 2022 UTME and DE exercise forward, the board will collect the permitted N700 registration fee on behalf of the various Computer Based Test (CBT) Centres, together with its UTME processing fee, and return anything that is due to every registration centre regularly.
Checking Eligibility
On https://www.jamb.gov.ng, candidates are recommended to confirm their eligibility for the programs and institutions of their choice. Choose Quick Link, then ibass.jamb.gov.ng.
Before beginning the application process, candidates should double-check the requirements. Candidates can use the eligibility checker to see what programs (courses) are available to them depending on their qualifications.
There will be no double registrations.
Obtaining two application documents in the same year is, in fact, a sanctionable offense. Registrations that are duplicated or multiple are subject to immediate cancellation and prosecution.
Candidates are not allowed to register more than once, according to the Board. The Board, however, clarified that in the event of an error during the registration procedure, candidates should seek correction from the Board rather than submitting a new application, as doing so would result in punishment.
Making A Profile
For the registration process, each Candidate would need to utilize a unique phone (mobile) number (SIM). Only one contender can utilize the unique phone number. Candidates should keep in mind that their unique identification number (SIM) will be used for all transactions with the Board.
From his or her own phone, the candidate will text his or her National Identification Number (NIN) to either 55019 or 66019. For example, write the word ‘NIN’, space it, and then add your 11-digit NIN Number to 55019 or 66019.
There should be a space between the word ‘NIN’ and your 11-digit NIN (Note that the number cannot have previously been used to register for the UTME/DE).
Candidates should avoid using Postpaid or special bundle packages because they do not work unless they are pre-loaded with credit.
On the same telephone (SIM) number, the candidate will obtain a Profile Code of ten characters. The phone number used for the text message is automatically linked to the candidate’s name and will be used in all further contact with that candidate.
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) recommends candidates to take note of the sim-number used and remember it at all times, stating that it is critical for future communication with the board.
Any applicant who has gotten the UTME/DE application documents has agreed to receive text messages from JAMB (55019 or 66019) even if the “do not disturb” setting is turned on.
At the time of application document procurement from Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, and USSD Partners, the candidate will present the profile code. An ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s phone through text message.
Proper Registration, No Passport Photograph Submission
For registration, the candidate must present the Profile code and ePIN at any JAMB-accredited CBT Centre.
The Board of Directors warned that the application would be incomplete until the candidate’s biometrics (all ten fingers) were captured and a physical photograph was taken (No submission of passport photograph).
A candidate’s registration slip will be printed if his or her biometrics and photograph are successfully captured. Any subsequent transaction with JAMB on the candidate’s profile will necessitate the submission of a fingerprint. Only candidates whose biometric verification is successful on the day of the exam will be allowed to take the UTME.
Parents or proxies are not allowed.
No parent or proxy would be permitted to conduct any transactions on the candidate’s profile, according to the Board.
Biometrically challenged candidates can only register at the JAMB headquarters in Abuja. This should be arranged through the JAMB state offices.
Retrieval For Loss, Correction Of Mistakes, Loss Of Profile Codes Self-Service
To recover a lost Profile Code, send the word [RESEND) as a text message to 55019 or 66019 from the same mobile number.
The registration process, as well as all activities on candidates’ profiles, are being closely monitored by the Board, and violators will face severe penalties.
Any candidate who makes his password, profile code or other security codes available to another person (parents, friends, tutorial teachers, fraudsters etc) is liable for any alteration done by
such person(s).
JAMB warns candidates not to share their passwords with anyone, including JAMB officials, and that the codes should not be demanded at any registration center by anyone for any reason.
Choice Of Institutions
According to JAMB, the first choice can be any institution, including a college of education, university, innovation enterprise institution, polytechnic/monotechnic, Nigerian Defence Academy, or police academy.
Foreign Students
Foreign candidates should contact the Nigerian Embassy for information on how to apply in any of the following countries: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, Accra, Ghana, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, Beau, Cameroon, and Cotonou, Benin Republic.
Other regions include Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Johannesburg, South Africa, London, England, and Berlin, Germany.
Registration Procedure At Nine Foreign Centres:
Registration fee for candidates from the nine foreign countries is Twenty United States Dollars(20) or it’s equivalent in each of the eight countries local currency
(6) Candidates from the nine foreign countries are to download the Application from the Board’s website (https://www.jamb.gov.ng), complete and submit it with the fee at the designated 3.544 pt centres in the country as indicated on the website.
Method, Modes Of Payment
Banks/ Micro-Finance Bank:
Present Profile Code and pay by cash or card. ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number.
This is available at State Offices of JAMB +CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it. Present Profile Code and pay by card and ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number.
Mobile Money Operators
This is available at CBT Centres and Other Outlets as above in banks.
Payment Using ATM
This is available on all ATM outlets of Participating Banks by selecting Bill Payment and then pick JAMB, enter Profile Code and pay. ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number.
Online Payment On JAMB Portal
Visit JAMB website: www.jamb.gov.ng
Click purchase of 2022 Application Document, enter your Profile Code, select payment method and make payment. ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number.
Offer Of Free Application Documents
JAMB instructs any government, person, or organization that wishes to distribute free application documents to prospective applicants to obtain bulk-pins as soon as possible from JAMB or any of the approved sale outlets.
i. Candidates who want to enjoy any of these offers are advised to visit the sponsor’s designated bank(s) or office (NOT ANY CBT centre) to collect the e-pin after individually creating their profiles as illustrated above.
No refund would be made to any candidate if he/she had earlier purchased the application document before being offered free ePIN.
JAMB advises such applicants should refrain from multiple registration.
How To Recover Lost E-pin After Payment
send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] from the Unique number to 55019 or 66019 for UTME or DE respectively. The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered to the candidate’s unique phone number.
After making a successful payment and receiving an ePin, the candidate should proceed to any of the Jamb Accredited CBT Centres to complete his/her registration.
Registration Centres
Registration is carried out only at the accredited Computer Based Test Centres (CBT) and Professional Registration Centres (PRC)
ii. Each candidate should visit any accredited CBT centre (the list of accredited centres is on the Board’s website (www.jamb.gov.ng and JAMB offices), with his/her profile code and e-PIN.
ii. Facilities exist in some designated JAMB state offices for self-service
Registration Process At CBT Centres
Candidate must visit approved CBT centres, present his/her profile Code for registration. The candidate’s photograph and biometrics (all the ten fingerprints) would be captured at the CBT centre.
Candidates are to note that the service charge of N700 hitherto payable at the CBT centre for registration (NOT MOCK) is now part of the registration fee as such candidates are not to pay for
During registration, no other payment is required.
ii. Provide choice of institutions and programmes (course of study)
Provide qualification with grades and dates, if not awaiting result
Upload relevant certificates, if not awaiting result (this is applicable for both UTME and Direct Entry (DE) candidates.
Provide O/L and /or A/L grades. Candidates who are awaiting results should supply (upload) the results online on CAPS (JAMB) as soon as they are available. No recommendations from any Institution will be considered by JAMB if the candidate does not upload his/her result on the portal of JAMB. No institution is allowed to take a new picture/photograph, biometrics or require any other upload of the result.
All results are downloadable by institutions from the Board’s website (and the download is tracked to
avoid abuse).
vi. Supply JAMB registration number for previous institutional certificates for DE only
vi. Provide UI ME Subjects and choice of examination town(s) for optional mock For mock, candidates pay the centre on the day of the mock examination.
Blind Candidates
Candidates who are blind are to indicate by typing BLIND and also pick the option of sitting for the examination through CBT mode or Read Aloud. A candidate is either blind or sighted. It is important to be factual.
During registration, once a candidate indicates that he or she is blind, there would be a dropdown box for the candidate to select the town closest to his/her residence to write the exam.
The towns available for the blind candidates are as follows: Abuja, FCT, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Benin, Edo State, Ekiti, Ekiti State, Enugu, Enugu State, Kano, Kano State, Kebbi, Kebbi State, Lagos, Lagos State, Oyo, Oyo State, Plateau, Plateau State, Yola, Adamawa States.
Deaf/Mute Candidates
A special indicator for the deaf/mute has been created to differentiate them for special attention at the examination hall. Deaf candidates are therefore required to confirm this appropriately during registration.
Biometric Challenges
Candidates with biometric issues can only register at the JAMB headquarters in Abuja. No other center is permitted to register such candidates, who will also take their exams at the JAMB headquarters in Abuja.
Candidates with biometric anomalies can only register and take the examination at the Board’s Abuja headquarters. The Board will make travel arrangements.
The 2022 UTME will begin on Friday, May 6th and end on Sunday, May 15th, 2022.