Do you think your boyfriend is mad in love with you? Well, wait till you find yourself on the wrong side of his mother, and you watch that love fade before you say “baby.”
No matter how deep your boyfriend loves you. If his mother disapproves the union, the chances of you guys getting married are very, very slim. Whether a man was born into a family or was adopted, he does not joke with his mother. If your man is springing up with funny behavior, haven’t called you for weeks or always looking for a way to end the relationship, then his mum might have probably told him not to marry you. Regardless of your beauty and wealth, your boyfriend mother holds the lip to your boyfriend from asking that question, “Will you marry me?” So when you have her son’s heart, it is vital for you to win her heart too.
Here are five easy things you can to win her heart.
Dress appropriately
There is a saying that goes like: the way you dress is how you will be addressed. Whenever you intend to visit your boyfriend, dress modestly, no skimpy clothes and no heavy make-up. Make sure your clothes clean and fresh. Dressing modestly does not mean you should wear bogus clothes or “Sister Mary Amaka” skirt ( those big long skirt that rubs the ground). You can wear jeans as long they are not ripped.
Be polite and smile
“Good Afternoon” is not proper to greet your future mother-in-law. Show her respect by adding “Mama” or “Mummy” to the greeting. Learning how to greet in your boyfriend dialect will get your more points too. When greeting, ensure you always protrude. It will give the impression you are from a good home.
Help her in the kitchen
Do not make the mistake of sitting in the living room watching telenovelas when you visit your future mother-in-law. Go to the kitchen and give her a helping hand. Little things like washing the dishes or helping her with the utensils will make her adore you. Even if she says: “my daughter sit down and rest.”Do not sit! It is a trap. Follow her to the kitchen.
Give her some gifts
If you intend to win your future mother-in-law heart, do not go empty-handed when visiting, even a necklace or bracelet will go a long way.
Compliment her
Mothers like Compliment. Tell her she looks gorgeous in what she is wearing. Tell her soup taste delicious(even if it taste awful). Tell her you like her hairstyle or wall art in the living room. Doing so will make her fond of you.