Npower 2020 Recruitment – The recruitment portal for the federal government social intervention scheme, N-Power has reopened for the recruitment of June 2020 Batch C intakes. In this article we will show you step by step pictorial guide on how to apply.
The Npower portal for Npower 2020 recruitment which was supposed to open by 11:45 pm today, Friday, 26th June 2020 according to a tweet on the micro-blogging site, Twitter by social intervention scheme, actually opened 12am 26th June against the time mentioned in the tweet.

Once the portal re-opens for applications, Log on to www.npower.fmhds.gov.ng
(Opening Date: June 26, 2020 by 11.45pm)
Once you get on the application portal, you will be required to read the terms and conditions of the N-Power Programme and accept that all the information provided is truthful and accurate.
- Input your valid contact information (Emial or Phone Number)
- The information will redirect you to your email address for confirmation.
- Once your email address has been confirmed, fill in your 11-digit BVN and date of birth in the following order (dd/mm/yy). If your BVN details are Inaccurate, you will not be permitted to go past this interface.
- BioData and Contact Page: Fill in your surname, first name, and middle name in identical terms to your BVN information.
- Education and Programme Page: Kindly indicate if you have received education or not. The N-Power programme is open to all.
- The N-Teach and N-Health sub-programmes are however open to only graduates
- (In addition, please note that for N-Power Health, selection preference will be given to holders of Bachelor’s Degree, HND, OND in health sciences such as Medicine, Microbiology, Nursing, Public Health, Botany, Midwifery, Psychology or other allied disciplined in the sciences).
- Where applicable, you will be required to upload your degree certificates and NYSC certificate.
- Employment and Other Details Page: You will be required to answer some questions and upload your Government issued Identity Card. Kindly note that the acceptable Government IDs are:
- International Passport
- National ID Card issued by NIMC
- Valid Driver’s License
- Permanent Voter’s Card
- Review all the information you have inputted and then submit.
- Upon submission, you will receive a unique ID number. Write it down and keep it safe.
Npower 2020 Recruitment – Step by Step Guide
Log on to www.npower.fmhds.gov.ng
Register with you Email Address
You will receive a confirmation mail
Click on “confirm mail” and start filling your details
Current N-power Programs FOR GRADUATE:
The N-Power programs are divided into two. One for graduates and the other for non-graduates. While the graduate category has only the N-Power Volunteer Corps, the non-graduate category has the N-Power Knowledge and N-Power Build.
The next set of discussions is an elaboration of these categories, so as to enable you to discover where you fit in.
1. N-Power Volunteer Corps
This is the post-tertiary engagement initiative for Nigerians between 18 and 35. It is a volunteering program that lasts for two (2) years. You will be paid during your period of volunteering if you qualify and are selected. Meanwhile, you will be deployed to identified public services institutions within your proximate communities.
You will get access to computing devices that will contain information necessary for your specific engagement. These devices will also contain information for your continuous training and development.
N-Power Nigeria will engage qualified youths in four key sectors – Agro, Health, Teaching, and Tax.
2. N-Power Agro
This N-Power program recruits 100,000 qualified young Nigerians through the N-Power registration portal. If you qualify for this program, you’ll provide advisory services to farmers across the country. You’ll also spread aggregated government knowledge in extension services as well as gather data of Nigeria’s agriculture asset.
To qualify, however, you’ll need to have a Bachelor’s degree, HND or OND in Nutrition, Agricultural Sciences, and other related disciplines.
Meanwhile, this N-Power program lasts for two (2) years, and you’ll undergo an initial induction training before deployment. Also, you’ll get a National Skills Qualification (NSQ) certification on completion of the program.
You can aspire to a life-long commitment to agriculture and related field after the program. Some of the jobs you can get include Agriculture Extension Services Consultant, Seed fertilizer, and other input aggregators, and Farm managers.
3. N-Power Health
The N-Power Health recruitment takes young graduates to form part of the 500,000 N-Power Volunteer Corps. These graduates will help improve and promote preventive healthcare in their communities. They will provide treatment and care to vulnerable members of society including pregnant women and children.
To qualify for this program, you’ll need to have a degree in health sciences such as Medicine. You can as well have a degree in Microbiology, Nursing, Public Health, Botany, or other related disciplines in the sciences. N-Power also accepts JCHEW, SCHEW, NABTEB, OND, HND, RN, RM, B. Tech, and B. Sc certificates and degrees.
In addition, you may graduate from either a School of Health Technology, a Nursing Schools, a Midwifery School, a Polytechnic, or a University to be eligible. And like the N-Power Agro, the N-Power Health has a duration of two (2) years.
Furthermore, you’ll undergo an initial induction training before deployment. You will as well get a National Skills Qualification (NSQ) certification on completion of the program.
N-Power Health volunteers can aspire to a life-long career in public health and other allied fields. Some of these jobs include Health Education Specialist, Health Promotion Coordinator, Social Worker & Counselor, and HIV/AIDS Educator.
4. N-Power Teach
This program aims to supplement basic education delivery in Nigeria. As an N-Power Teach volunteer, you’ll help improve basic education delivery in Nigeria. You will be deployed as teacher assistants in primary schools around the country. You will only be an assistant teacher rather than replace the main teacher.
N-Power appreciates volunteers with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) background. If you have any skills related to computer programming, computer graphics design, e.t.c., then, N-Power needs you.
If you really want to get quality cheap education in STEM towards your teaching career, you can also see our 21 STEM Scholarships to apply.
Post-tertiary degrees including OND and NCE qualifications and the duration of the program is two (2) years.
Furthermore, you’ll undergo an initial induction training before deployment. You’ll also get a National Skills Qualification (NSQ) certification on completion of the program.
5. N-Power Tax
The N-Power tax seeks to encourage non-compliant and partially compliant taxpayers to voluntarily declare their correct income. If you apply for the N-Power Nigeria tax program, you’ll be assisting the government to persuade taxpayers to pay the appropriate tax.
The N-Power recruitment for this program will take a minimum of 3,700 graduate volunteers. These volunteers will be selected to work as Community Tax Liaison Officers in their states of residence together with the state’s tax authorities.
As an N-Power community tax liaison officer, however, you’ll be responsible for answering online inquiries, and customer management, amongst others. Meanwhile, to qualify for the position, you’ll have to be unemployed graduates or nongraduates with either a Bachelor’s degree or a Higher National Diploma.
Also, this degree should preferably be from Economics, Law, Finance, Psychology and other allied disciplines in the social sciences. You should as well have completed the NYSC program if you’re a graduate and be within the age range of 18 to 35.
Additionally, it is essential to have good knowledge of Microsoft office tools, and good written and spoken English to fit for this program. You will gain a greater advantage if you’re knowledgeable about tax laws and administration in Nigeria.
The program lasts for two (2) years, however, volunteers can go on to become Tax Assessor/ Collector, Financial Analyst, and Tax Auditor. They may also choose to become a Legal and Compliance Manager, or an Accountant in the long run.
Current N-power Programs For Non-Graduates:
The N-Power Non-Graduate program is for youths who may not have degree certificates but have workmanship skills. N-Power Knowledge and N-Power Build make up this group.
1. N-Power Knowledge
This N-Power Nigeria program is the Federal Government’s first step towards diversifying to a knowledge economy. The program is scheduled to work alongside the planned eight innovation hubs across the country. They will thus provide incubation and acceleration of the technology and creative industries.
The N-Power Knowledge program, however, is a ‘Training to Jobs’ initiative. It grooms participants to be engaged in the marketplace in an outsourcing capacity. At the end of the training, you’ll likely to be freelancers, employees, or entrepreneurs utilizing the knowledge you’ve learned.
2. N-Power Creative
The creative sector of the N-Power Nigeria recruitment program trains 5,000 youngs with creative talents in areas like Animation, Graphic Design, and Script Writing. The purpose of this training is to put Nigeria’s creative industry on the global radar as exporters of world-class services and content.
N-Power Creative training lasts for 3 months. You’ll spend one (1) month of the training period in class and the remaining two (2) months accomplishing hands-on group projects across selected Nigerian cities.
Some participants will get local and international internship opportunities after training. Some others, however, will get linking to job and market opportunities. In addition, all participants will receive computing devices that will ensure that they master their skills during and after the training.
You can check out our top International Internship Opportunities for Nigerians if you’ll prefer to quickly get an internship position abroad.
Meanwhile, to be eligible for this program, you’ll have to be an unemployed graduate or nongraduate within 18 to 35 years of age. You’ll also need to have basic illustration skills for graphic arts and creative writing skills for scriptwriting. Also, you should possess problem-solving skills and the ability to undertake self-tutorship.
The program will build you to become an expert Animator, Script Writer, Illustrator, Graphics Designer, Sound Editor, Film Editor, amongst others.
3. N-Power Tech Hardware
This section of the N-Power Nigeria program empowers at least 10,000 computer device technicians into the ICT Industry.
The program will train and facilitate tooling for the selected technicians to boost the device servicing and manufacturing industry. Also, the program will help boost the expansion of local capacity to service and produce mobile phones, tablets, computers, and other relevant devices.
The effect should be felt in both the local and international markets.
However, to be eligible for this program, you’ll have to be an unemployed graduate or nongraduate withing the age range of 18 and 35. You should also possess problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to undertake self-tutorship, just like the N-Power creative.
4. N-Power Tech Software
This program’s aim is to empower 10,000 Software Developers into the ICT Industry. This N-Power Tech for Developers also trains, provides the working tools, and positions qualified participants for the local and international software development market.
You’ll undergo a project-based model to training where you’ll be exposed to foundational software development tools. Also, you’ll receive the resources to thrive as a modern-day software developer entrepreneur.
However, the program establishes the foundation knowledge, tools, and platform upon which you can pursue a career as a software development entrepreneur. The training lasts for 11 weeks and culminates with job fairs to link participants with placement opportunities within their respective localities.
Meanwhile, to be eligible for the program, you’ll have to be an unemployed graduate or nongraduate within the age range of 18 and 25. You’ll possess problem-solving skills, be detail-oriented, and analytical as well as be able to undertake self-tutorship.
If you’ll like to carve a path as an entrepreneur after this program, you can win €50,000 Cash in the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards.
5. N-Power Build
This sector of the Non-graduate N-Power Nigeria program is an accelerated training and certification program. It aims to engage and train 75,000 young unemployed Nigerians.
Like the other programs in the non-graduate category, the N-Power Build is a Skills to Job program. Through this program, Nigeria will build a new crop of the skilled and highly competent workforce of technicians, artisans, and service professionals.
Thus, the program focuses on Building Services, Construction, Built Environment Services, Utilities, Automotive, and Aluminium and Gas.
To be eligible for this program you need to have an interest in fixing, building, and creating things. Meanwhile, you should be unemployed and in the 18 to 35 age bracket.
At the end of the program, however, you can pick a career in Building/Construction Project Management, Furniture Making, and Design. You may also become an Electrical Maintenance and Repairs Services provider, a Plumber, or a Welder.