How To Obtain A Marriage Certificate In Nigeria
Congratulations if you are reading this article! You’re probably getting married soon in Nigeria, and you’ll want to get an official marriage certificate. So, don’t worry, you’ll find all you need right here. There are specific prerequisites that must be completed in order to receive a marriage certificate in Nigeria, just as there are in any other country.
It is critical that you have all of the necessary documentation to receive your marriage certificate. Read on to learn how to obtain a marriage certificate in Nigeria.
Procedure Of Obtaining A Certificate of Marriage In Nigeria.
In general, it is not so hard to obtain a marriage certificate in Nigeria. There are just a few simple steps that have to be followed in order to get done with the process fast enough.
To begin, in order to obtain a marriage certificate in Nigeria, you must first signal your marriage intention at the register of your choice. You have the option of using either a state or a federal registration. It makes no real difference which one you choose.
You will be required to fill out a form at the registrar. This form, also known as a Notice Form or Form A, expresses your desire to marry. Name, age, address, occupation, marital status, and other personal information are required.
After you’ve completed the form, you’ll need to send it along with two coloured passport photos. After that, the form will be displayed for 21 days on the registry’s Notice board. The notice is also put into a book called the Marriage Notice Book, which can be inspected without charge during office hours.
You will have to pay a fee after the notification expires. The price you pay is determined by the registrar you use. In addition, if you have fulfilled and satisfied the criteria, the Registrar will issue a Form C.
Among the criteria are:
- One of the parties must live in the area where the wedding will be held.
- Each of the parties to the expected marriage (other than a widower or widow) is twenty-one years old, or if under that age, the consent hereinafter made necessary requirements has been obtained in writing and is annexed to such affidavit (meaning you must obtain written permission/consent from the bride-to-parent be’s or legal guardian).
- There are no impediments to the marriage based on blood or affinity, or any other legal reason.
- There are no objections to the marriage based on blood or affinity, or any other legal hindrance.
- That neither of the parties to the prospective marriage is legally married to anybody other than the person with whom the marriage is proposed to be contracted under customary law.
As soon as you’ve met all of the requirements as a pair. The form C is signed by the registrar.
Before the registrar or a certified minister of religion, you must swear an affidavit. The registrar would reaffirm the previously mentioned requirements and explain the consequences involved while swearing the affidavit.
Any violation of this rule will result in prosecution and a sentence of up to five years in prison. The following are the rules:
- One of the claimants is already married.
- At the time of the written testimony, one of the fiancés is lying
- At the wedding, forged personal information is used.
- In some cases, the betrothed marry without their relatives’ written consent.
- Someone tries to obstruct the registration process under false pretenses.
- An unauthorized official recorded the marriage.
The most frequent breach is when one of the claimants is married and fails to properly dissolve his or her marriage before entering into a new one.
If no breach is found, the Registrar signs a declaration/affidavit stating that the couple is aware of the legal implications and that they have met and satisfied all of the requirements.
The Minister will dispense with the providing of notice, issue the certificate, and award his/her license, known as Form D, after the requisite approval for the marriage has been acquired. This paper permits the marriage of the parties specified in the license to take place.
Following the legal approval, the couple selects a wedding date that is within three months of the day the notice was filed with the registry.
The big day has here. The couple will be accompanied by members of their family and friends. The marriage is completed at this stage. Other couples who have arrived for the same reason are usually present. The ceremony lasts about 30 minutes on average.
During the proceedings The marriage certificates would be printed in duplicate and with counterfoils, much like in FORM E.
If future newlyweds choose to attend church, they must do so in a licensed church led by a clergyman or religious group leader. At least two witnesses, however, are required.
The Validity Of The Marriage In Nigeria.
There are certain conditions in Nigeria under which a marriage between a man and a woman loses its legal validity. The death of any of the partners is one of them. In addition, if a divorce certificate is issued or a decree of annulment, the marriage loses its validity as well.