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We Bet You Don’t Know These Fun Facts About Chocolate

When it melts in your mouth, it tastes is so good! Men hoard it, kids always want more, women adore it, and for most people, Valentine's Day isn't complete without eating it. Wondering what that could be? It is the beloved, darling chocolate. 1. The chocolate bar is more than...
5 Facts from The Aba Women Riot of 1929

5 Facts from The Aba Women Riot of 1929

Before Nigeria got her independence in 1960, she saw the good and the bad times, but still stood firm and undivided. One of such bad times in the history of our beloved country was the "women's war," also known as Aba women's Riots. The Aba women's Riot is a 2-month...
Five Bizarre Facts About Africa

Five Bizarre Facts About Africa

 Africa, the black continent and home of 54 countries housing a population of over 1 billion people are shrouded in an air of quite interesting and somewhat puzzling mysteries. This is no wild guess as Africa is blessed with an estimate of 3,000 tribes with a wide range of...