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archiveNigerian pastors


5 Nigerian pastors who were arrested for alleged drug trafficking

Nobody is above scandals, not even tongue speaking, fiery pastors. Many Nigerian pastors have been involved in one scandal or the other. Here is a list consisting of Nigerian Pastors who have been involved in drug scandal. Although not all of the pastors accused of drug trafficking were truly guilty:...

Top 7 respected Nigerian pastors and their beautiful wives

Christianity is a major religion in Nigeria. Millions of Nigerians worship in churches that are coordinated by various men of God. While these pastors are primarily focused on making heaven and winning souls to the kingdom of God, they aren't ignorant of the good things of life. From flashy cars...

Check out 6 Popular Nigerian Pastors Who Lied Using God’s Name

Everybody lies from time to time, it's just human nature. We don't wish to be dishonest but sometimes well, we can't help but bend the truth a little, Pastors are exactly the same when it comes to telling  lies. Unfortunately for these 6 Nigerian pastors, they lied using the name...