How to Check Your Car Insurance Policy Online
Have you ever experienced problems with your car insurance? Buying car insurance just to be told it’s invalid? While it is disappointing, it happens to several car drivers in the country on a frequent basis. The reason for this is that they were unable to verify the insurers, and some have yet to validate their vehicle insurance policy. If you haven’t checked the validity of your insurance policy, this article will guide you through the process.
The Nigerian Insurers Association established and owns the Nigerian Insurance Industry Database (NIID). It’s an insurance database that keeps track of all the legitimate vehicles insured by Nigerian insurance providers.
The NIID aims to ensure that the insurance business and the economy as a whole adhere to the highest possible standards. Their mission is to safeguard the interests of all insurers in the country.
Obtaining legitimate car insurance in Nigeria is notoriously difficult since it is all too easy to be duped by a counterfeit paperwork from an unregistered insurance intermediary, and most purchasers are unaware of such tactics.
The Motor Vehicles (Third Party) Insurance Act of 1945 made it illegal for anyone to operate a motor vehicle on the road without having the bare minimum of Motor (Third Party) Insurance, which protects the driver from all types of risks.
Steps to verify your NIID database insurance policy
Step 1: Select car policy you want to check. There are two options: single or fleet
There will also be instructions on NIID.
Step 2: Select whether you want to conduct the search using your policy number or your vehicle’s registration number. Any choice you want, just input the number in the search field provided and press the search button.
Step 3:The status of your car’s insurance will be revealed. It’s highlighted in red under the search button.
The details that will be presented are the car’s make, model, color, and the name of the insurance. In addition, the document’s expiration date will be displayed.
So, one thing is certain: when you check the authenticity of your car insurance policy on the NIID platform, you may rest assured that your can drive you car with a peace of mind.
List of Insurance Companies Operating Under the auspices of the NIA/NIID
This link will take you to a list of all the insurance companies in the industry that have a record in this database. Please click on this link to see the complete list of companies.