There are awesome Nollywood movies and bad Nollywood movies. And then there are some Nollywood movies that make you question you very faith in the Nigeria movie industry. Now, that Hollywood is into the business of remaking old classics, it’s only a matter of time before Nollywood directors decide to test Hollywood’s formula of remaking good old movies.
While some might argue remaking Nollywood Classic will ruin their childhood, others yearn for it. We’ve compiled a list of 5 Classic Nollywood movies that deserves a remake.
5. Sango (1997)
Sango was on the lips of everybody back then when it graced our Tv screens, most especially because of Wale Adebayo’s and Bunmi Sanya splendid acting. The epic movie is an adaptation of the Yoruba story of the life and times of Oba Sango, the fourth Alaafin of Oya who ruled in the 15th Century. The movie chronicles the rise and tragic fall of the quick-tempered god of thunder. With CGI and bringing back Wale Adebayo and Bunimi Sanya to reprise their role, the remake will be a sellout.
4. Karashika (1996)
A typical Nollywood movie on witchcraft, juju, and initiation, the 1996 movie revolved around Satan and his followers, including Karishika, who is sent to the world to initiate men; tempting them with money, sex, and their heart desire.
A Nollywood classic, the movie was released 20 years ago and is popularly remembered with its soundtrack “Karishika karishika! Queen of Darkness, Lucifer Lucifer King of Demons.”
Although some of the actors like Bob Manuel Udokwo, Becky Okorie, Sandra Achums, are no longer active in Nollywood, there are more than enough talents in the industry to replicate their phenomenal acting.
3. Ukwa (1995)
A movie with Sam Loco Efe, Patience Ozokwor and Nkem Owoh, “Ukwa” offered great jokes that left us stitches. There’s also a powerhouse performance from an ensemble cast that also includes Rita Nzelu, Amaechi Monagor. memorable scenes and dialogues, and of course, characters like Susanna, who may never be forgotten.
2. Most Wanted
The ’90s saw the emergence of a crop of brilliant movie makers, talented actors and hit movies in Nigeria with a few standing the test of time to date. Dozie Eriobu’s star-studded 1996 hit movie -Most Wanted was one of such examples.
Most wanted was a film about a group of unemployed women who resort to rob to make money disguised as men. At that time, this was new in Nollywood done because it depicted women as powerful anti-heroes, The cast consisted of Regina Askia Williams, Liz Benson, Bob Manuel Udokwu, Genevieve Nnaji, to mention a few. With recent movies like Lion Heart and King of Boyz highlighting the power of women, a 21st-century remake of this movie would certainly make waves.
1. Isakaba
Truth be told, we are bored at the same lovey-dovey stuff and slapstick comedy and wish Nollywood had much to offer, something like a remake of the action movie Isakaba. The movie Isakaba came out at a time ”Vigilantisim” was springing up in Nigeria. Isakaba revolved around a story of corruption in the community reaching its apex and some group of vigorous men with supernatural powers coming purge the community of evil men and their deeds. Nollywood action genre is asleep and a remake of this classic will certainly wake it up.