Last night an old video surfaced on social media in which Angel Gomes, a Manchester United player, can be seen receiving prayer of healing at TB Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).
In the video, which appeared to have been shot in 2017, the talented attacking player identified himself as a 16-year-old whose parents are “huge fans” of the cleric.
The video raised a lot of eyebrows. Some number of Nigerians took to social media platform, especially Twitter, to wonder why the Manchester United footballer would travel all the way from UK to Nigeria just for healing.
We complied some of the funniest tweets about the video here.
Responding to the viral video, Angel Gomes took to his Twitter account to clear the air. According to him, he was simply practicing his faith as a Christian. He also stated that he doesn’t owe anybody an explanation and that there more important things people can discuss about.
See the tweet below: