Serious crimes of all sorts are now happening in Nigeria. From kidnapping to ritual killing, no one is safe again.
As the countdown to 2020 begins, We at Naij Mobile always pray for our dear readers and we would definitely want you and your household to be safe during this festive season. With that in mind, we have some expert tips that will keep you save during the festive season.
Festive Season – Tips to help you avoid kidnappers & ritual killers
1. Before you board any commercial vehicle, check the passengers. Though a
lot of kidnappers and ritual killers try to act formal and real, others may miss on that. So its advisable to assess the passengers before you enter.
2. When you stop a touting vehicle, opt to sit by the door in-case of any wrong move. If they refuse your request, do not enter. If some else stops the vehicle to enter while the vehicle was on transit, and your spirit tells you that something is not right, step down or tell the person to enter inside while you maintain your position by the door.
3. Whatever issues you have with your family must not be discussed outside your house.
This is to maintain safety as it has been reported previously that kidnappers also gather information from those in one’s neighborhood.
4. If you must meet a new acquaintance, make sure someone knows where you’re going and who you’re meeting. Leave message with a family member or friend where you’re headed and if possible, give the name of the person you’re about to meet and other details you might know.
5. Do not accept rides from strangers no matter how tempting his ride might be or how hot the sun might be.
6. Train your children to avoid strangers, even if they seem friendly and offer gifts. If a stranger asks for help, tell your child to refuse and to call the attention of an adult immediately.
7. If you are seeking for job, aviod don’t
roadside banners advertising 30,000 factory job.
All those handbills, flyers and white chalk vacancies on walls are traps for kidnapping or defrauding gullible people.
Also, don’t call the phone numbers because you might get hypnotized and kidnapped for rituals
8. If your friend receives an urgent call, asking him/her to come for a job, contract, money or party and your friend is asking you to go with him, make sure you refuse.
Trust no one, that your friend might have have arranged with ritual killers to harvest your organs before you show up
9. Have you recent!y meet an old time friend? Is he/she asking you to visit him? Or asking to take you to a joint you don’t know? Under no circumstance must you follow your fiends to somewhere
you don’t know.
10. If you intend to travel, make sure you visit the park to board a vehicle. Don’t stand by the road side waiting for any vehicle that is heading to your destination
11. Don’t send kids errands at night
12. Don’t leave your baby for your newly employed apprentice or house help
13. Don’t leave your baby for a single woman or spinster who newly rented a room or apartment in your compound
14. If you enter a vehicle and the passengers suddenly start arguing about gold,diamond or contract or how to share money….under no account must you open your mouth and add one word to their conversation. Just shut your mouth up if you do not want to be kidnapp or used for rituals.
15. A new Facebook friend or even old time that showers u attention,love, care and sends you money, lives in another state or same state and persistently ask you to visit him, may be a kidnapper or ritualist, luring you into his trap.
16. Be careful not to reveal too much about yourself or your family members via social media. No need to flaunt new cars, houses, or money . Never reveal addresses and be sure to turn off the GPS function on your smartphones
17. Don’t jog early in the morning. Wait till the day gets bright a bit before you go out jogging.
18. To avoid being a victim of kidnappers, another area you must check is receiving phone calls that involve discussing money, especially huge sums.
19. Be prayerful