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Check out all the major places CEO of twitter, Jack Dorsey visited during his tour in Nigeria

Jack dorsey visits Nigeria

On Thursday, 7th of November 2019, co-founder and CEO of social media service, Twitter, and mobile payments company, Square, Jack Dorsey, came to Lagos, Nigeria on the first leg of an African tour that will span Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa. This is Jack’s first visit to Africa, and his arrival was met with genuine excitement across Nigeria’s social sphere.

Image result for jack dorsey in nigeria

The tour which lasted for five days saw Jack and 4 members of the Twitter executives making important stops so here is a list of all the major places he visited throughout the tour.


Co-Creation Hub


The University of Lagos


Andela Nigeria

TechPoint Africa


Art Cafe


Dinner with #womenintech


Ngozi Oknojo Iweala’s house for young artists

Ventures Park

AUST and the #AbujaTwitterCommunity

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