Like faces, First ladies should be very well-groomed both in the way they carry themselves around and the way they dress. All eyes pry on them be it a young kid or an old person. They are expected to represent their respective African head of states spouses with dignity and honor. They should also be great champions of their husband presidents or leaders as they face tough duties in steering the respective nation to excellence. Here now are the stunning first ladies that grace the African continent:
5. Sylvia Bongo
This stunning first lady of Gabon is a champion for many vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the world, this is through her 2011 Sylvia Bongo foundation that is very laudable. She is also a guru businesswoman in Gabon this was proven after she steered Gabon Imobillier a massive real estate company in Gabon as a Deputy Managing Director.
4.Jeannette Kagame
Jeanette is a first lady standard to be emulated by many women in Rwanda and Africa at large. Through her Imbotu foundation , she has championed for the rights of the vulnerable in the community such as widows and orphans. She has also hosted various conferences on HIV awareness programs and believes in a joint effort of the government communities and society in eradicating the menace.
3.Aisha Buhari
Aisha is a champion advocate of women and children’s rights for instance she has condemned early forced marriages and homosexuality in Nigeria. This London’s beauty college graduate in cosmetology is also a business lioness in specifically the beauty sector. Aisha also carries herself around With pomp and class she dresses in beautifully designed African prints garments.
2. Margaret Wanjiru Gakuo
Magret the first lady of Kenya is very charming and is loved by many people. Margaret is always humble and down to earth and you wouldn’t know at first glace if she is really the first lady of Kenya. She is a champion to many wwomen’srights in Kenya in her programs such as beyond zero campaigns where she advocates for women empowerment. Child mortality in Kenya has gone way down thanks to Gakuo. She is also a perfect mother to her kids Ngina and Muhoho.
1. Princess Salma Bennani
This stunningly beautiful first lady of Morocco is an envy of many Moroccan women. Salma has a unique sense of fashion and is always spic and span in many social gatherings. Bennani is also a big champion of the cancer fight in her country. Amongst the world’s first ladies she comes almost top in every sector. She and her husband King of Morocco are super rich and they own large palaces and fleets of luxurious cars and jets.