One way to know a man’s character is by checking out his words. With the passing away of the ex-president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, at age 95, It is important to know some of the famous quote credited to him. Although he was a politician, Mugabe did not just make comments on only politics. He spoke on homose*uality, the economy and other aspects of human lives.
Below are 10 of Robert Mugabe’s most popular quotes:
One his prolog stay in office
- 2014: “Some are saying ‘Mr Mugabe is old, so he should step down’… No! When my time comes, I will tell you.”
- 2008: “Only God who appointed me will remove me — not the MDC (opposition), not the British.”
On Zimbabwe Independence
- 1980: “It could never be a correct justification that because the whites oppressed us yesterday when they had power, the blacks must oppress them today.”
On seizing farms from whites
- 2000:“You are now our enemies because you really have behaved as enemies of Zimbabwe. We are full of anger. Our entire community is angry and that is why we now have the war veterans seizing land.”
- 2002: “Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy.”
On homosexuality and gay marriages
- 2010:“Worse than pigs and dogs… Those who do it, we will say, they are wayward. It is just madness, insanity.”
- 2013:“(President Barack) Obama came to Africa saying Africa must allow gay marriages… God destroyed the Earth because of these sins. Weddings are for a man and a woman.”
On Donald Trump
- 2017: “May I say to the United States President, Mr Trump, please blow your trumpet. Blow your trumpet in a musical way towards the values of unity, peace, cooperation, togetherness, dialogue, which we have always stood for.”
On the economy
- 2007: “Our economy is a hundred times better than the average African economy. Outside South Africa, what country is [as good as] Zimbabwe?
On death
During the later stages of his life, there were rumors of his death.
- 2012: “I have died many times. That’s where I have beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once. I have died and resurrected and I don’t know how many times I will die and resurrect.”
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