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Top 20 most dangerous countries in the world, 2019

most dangerous countries in the world

Thinking 0f traveling to another country? Here’s a list of the most dangerous countries in the world 2019, ranked by Forbes. 

Travelling is one thing that many people all over the world enjoying doing. We live in an amazing world however not all parts of the globe are necessarily safe to visit.

most dangerous countries in the world,

In fact, there are some places that are quite dangerous. Drugs, murder, gang violence, xenophobia, and terrorism are all signs of the perilous world today. For those that love traveling, you need to think twice and do your research before visiting these hostile countries.

Top 20 most dangerous countries in the world, 2019

most dangerous countries in the world
A murder scene in Brazil


1. Brazil

2. South Africa

3. Nigeria

4. Argentina

5. India

6. Peru

7. Kenya

8. Ukraine

9. Turkey

10. Colombia

11. Mexico

12. United Kingdom

13. Egypt

14. Philippines

15. Italy

16. United States

17. Indonesia

18. Greece

19. Kuwait

20. Thailand

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