As Nigeria’s COVID-19 pandemic escalates, a growing number of States across the country are in various stages of lockdown.
Read Also: 5 Things You Promised Yourself You’ll Do During The Lockdown, And 5 Things You Are Really Doing
Being confined to home for two weeks, with limited food has inevitably led to hunger. As Nigerians across the country continue to frown and complain about shortage of food, many have come up with unbelievable food combination.
Fufu and Beans
Eba and Beans
Read Also: Top 5 Disgusting Foods You Will Only See In China
Eba and Egg Sauce
Soaking Garri, Milk and Tomatoes
Rice, Cooked Head of Fish and Bitter Leaf Sauce
Coronavirus is real and one of the way you can aviod it is by boosting your immune system. You can boost you immune system by eating some fruits and vegetables.Click here to know which fruits and vegetables can boost your immune system .